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Pigeon Control

Pigeon Control (Pigeon exterminator)

Pigeon Control and Extermination

Pigeon Control and Extermination – Rid your property of flying rats!!

Pigeons are a serious pest that carry and spread diseases as well as damaging properties, often nicknamed the flying rat…… but maybe this is not being fair to the rats!!

No one would be happy putting up with rats in their property, so why should you allow pigeons to live with you?

There are a number of reasons why you should want to keep pigeons away from your property. iQ Pest Control are here to help.

I have pigeons on my property, should I be worried?

Pigeons spread salmonella and psittacosis through their droppings. Psittacosis is sometimes known as parrot fever and is an infectious disease caused from bacteria in the pigeon’s excrement, it can result in humans having serious pneumonia which for vulnerable people such as the very old and very young this could be fatal. 

Due to the inherent risk of contracting infectious diseases you should never attempt to destroy or interfere with the roosting and nesting sites of pigeons. Leave it to the professionals, call iQ Pest Control today on 01280 811198 or request a call back to arrange for a pigeon deterrent and extermination expert to visit your property.

In our line of work we are often asked what is the most dangerous pest that we deal with, most would think a heavy rat infestation? maybe a large hornets nest? possibly a family of foxes in a shed? but in reality the most dangerous situation we ever have to deal with is an enclosed area infested by pigeons!! We will always wear breathing apparatus and protective overalls when we are installing pigeon deterrents and or cleaning areas contaminated with pigeon droppings.

Can you exterminate pigeons? How do you do it?

The use of poisons is illegal when dealing with any bird so it is not a method used in pigeon control. There is no way to regulate whether other birds or animals may also eat the poison coupled with the fact that birds of prey or carrion eaters will feast on the carcass and they will also succumb to the poison.

Trapping and shooting pigeons (only if appropriate and safe) is the only way of reducing pigeon numbers, but utilising deterrents to prevent pigeons using your property is the best cause of action as more pigeons can easily take the place of their counterparts once they have been removed.

Pigeon spikes and netting? Does it work and do iQ Pest Control offer this?

Due to pigeons having the power of flight and also gravitating to suitable roosting and nesting sites, just reducing numbers by culling has a limited effect. The best way to rid your property of pigeons is to install pigeon deterrents. Pigeon netting and pigeon spikes are the most commonly used deterrents, iQ Pest Control will survey your site and identify roosting and potential new roosting sites and install the correct deterrent device to prevent pigeons from coming back.

Some of our customers do not like the look of the traditional pigeon spikes and netting due to the negative visual impact it may have on their building, please contact us to discuss the possibility of having bespoke aesthetically pleasing deterrents designed and installed.

How can you get rid of pigeons on my property?

“I want to get rid of pigeons from my property”

Like a lot of pest control procedures, pigeon extermination and control is not a one off job. It may require visits throughout the year to maintain a pigeon free environment.

1.     The first step, we will remove the existing pigeon population by using traps together with shooting only it safe and suitable circumstances.

2.     The second step is the removal of nests and a deep clean of the roosting and nesting sites.

3.     The third step, installation of pigeon deterrent devices such as pigeon wires, spikes or netting, which device we will install depends on what is most suitable for your property.

4.     Last but certainly not least we will identify why the pigeons are attracted to your building, this could be waste disposal or storage issues. 

Call iQ Pest Control now 01280 811198 to book a pigeon extermination and control appointment!

Remember pigeons are the carriers of multiple diseases some of them can be deadly, so do not consider them your feathered friends. They can put your customers, employees, friends, family and yourself at risk of contracting a serious health problem. Call iQ Pest Control now to start your pigeon extermination and control.

iQ Pest Control Provide Pigeon Control and Extermination in Northamptonshire, Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Warwickshire and the following towns and cities - Aylesbury, Banbury, Bedford, Bicester, Brackley, Buckingham, Coventry, Daventry, Kettering, Leamington Spa, Leighton Buzzard, Lutterworth, Milton Keynes, Northampton, Oxford, Rugby, Southam, Stratford-Upon-Avon, Wellingborough, Woodford Halse and their respective surrounding areas. Even if you are outside of this area please still pick up the phone and call us as we are rapidly expanding our service area - wherever you are and whatever pest issue you are having iQ Pest Control will keep your premises pest free!