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Fox Control

Fox Control & Fox Removal

Professional Fox Control and Removal

What can I do? I have foxes in my garden!

Urban and rural fox control is a controversial topic however the culling of foxes is perfectly LEGAL.

If you have foxes that have made a den under your garden shed, garage, timber decking or summer house there are a number of options that iQ Pest Control can use to deal with the problem. Call iQ Pest Control now 01280 811198 or request a call back

Why control foxes?

Foxes can carry numerous diseases that can be transferred to our beloved pets and some of them even to humans.

Foxes often are often affected by sarcoptic mange which can be transmitted to our pet dogs and cats that also love spending time in our gardens. Sapcoptic mange is also known to affect humans, it is extremely contagious disease which is caused by parasitic mites. The skin disease is usually quite obvious as the fox will have patches of missing fur, in some extreme cases being almost totally bald.

Foxes are also carriers of lungworm which if transmitted is deadly to both pet dogs and cats. Lungworm affects the respiratory systems in dogs and cats, it is a parasitic nematode worm that burrows into their lung.

Foxes can also transfer canine heartworm to dogs which may also be fatal.

Fleas and scabies are also commonly found in areas that foxes frequent.

Some diseases can be transmitted through fox faeces the most dangerous of them all is toxocariasis.

If you have any concerns regarding foxes in your garden call iQ Pest Control now on 01280 811198 or request a call back

The humane culling of foxes

Shooting Foxes

Here at iQ Pest Control the shooting of foxes is only carried out by an insured, trained and competent marksman. Shooting can only be undertaken once a risk assessment has been carried out to ascertain the suitability of a shot being taken, numerous aspects are considered to make sure that everything is totally safe to all except the intended target…… the fox!  

Your local police force will always be informed of the date and time of the intended fox culling operation.

Fox control is beneficial to businesses such as golf courses, poultry farms, sheep farms, schools, garden centres, gardens open to the public as well as residential properties where foxes may be causing destruction.

Some home owners welcome foxes to their gardens and will even deliberately feed them, much to the dismay of owners of pets and livestock that live in their gardens such as pet rabbits, guinea pigs, chickens, ducks and geese, foxes are even known to kill cats!

If you are suffering from the effect of foxes visiting your garden call iQ Pest Control - 01280 811198 or request a call back

Trapping foxes

The humane trapping of foxes is often used in built up residential areas. It is a method iQ Pest Control common employ to catch foxes that are have not chosen to make their den on your property, they are possibly visiting your garden to feed (or attempt to feed!!). Once a fox is caught in a live trap it would be ILLEGAL to release that fox in another location, it must be humanely destroyed and then disposed of.

“I want a fox trapped”, call iQ Pest Control now on 01280 811198 or request a call back

Proofing your property against foxes

iQ Pest Control can provide a free site inspection with a view to providing a successful fox proofing program. Dependant on the area a site inspection may need to include numerous buildings, it would be essential to proof all potential access points so that foxes no longer consider your garden or premises part of their territory.

To get rid of foxes from your property and keep it fox free, call iQ Pest Control now 01280 811198 or request a call back

iQ Pest Control Provide Fox Control and Removal in Northamptonshire, Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Warwickshire and the following towns and cities - Aylesbury, Banbury, Bedford, Bicester, Brackley, Buckingham, Coventry, Daventry, Kettering, Leamington Spa, Leighton Buzzard, Lutterworth, Milton Keynes, Northampton, Oxford, Rugby, Southam, Stratford-Upon-Avon, Wellingborough, Woodford Halse and their respective surrounding areas. Even if you are outside of this area please still pick up the phone and call us as we are rapidly expanding our service area - iQ Pest Control deal with all pest species, so pick up the phone and be safe in the knowledge we will get your pest issues sorted!